I wouldn’t drink that if I were you.

withnail01.jpgNi vet den där scenen i Withnail and I, när Withnail dricker cigarrettändarvätska: Richard E. Grant drack vinäger, ”so his sickness is real”, noterar Lucy Dallas i sin recension av Kevin Jackson, Withnail & I, en bok om filmen utgiven av British Film Institute i serien BFI Modern Classics – där den ju hör hemma! (TLS 21 maj 2004, s 29)

Dallas citerar Jackson: ”the case he makes for the film as ’a drama of male friendship … a bleak up-ending of the English pastoral dream, a piece of ferocious verbal inventiveness’ rings entirely true.” Man kan ju inte annat än hålla med dem.

(Fler bilder mm från filmen här.)

Sidan innan, s 28, innehåller en recension av Andrew Smith, Victorian Demons: Medicine, masculinity and the Gothic at the fin-de-siècle (Manchester University Press) av Jon Barnes, som noterar att

Smith sees the supposed corruption of the individual as symptomatic of an empire increasingly under threat from foreign powers – in which light Dracula may be read more as an invasion narrative than a psychosexual nightmare.

Ger lite perspektiv på Van Helsing.

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