Konferens om kalla kriget, politiken och vetenskapen

Intressant konferens i Ã…rhus i december:

The Danish National Committee for the
History and Philosophy of Science

Call for Papers for the Annual Conference 2011
Center of Science Studies,
Aarhus University, 13-14 December 2011

This year’s annual conference will consist of a thematic part and an open part for papers on all topics in the history and philosophy of science. Abstracts are welcome for both parts. The thematic part is open to all, whilst the open part is dedicated to the presentation and discussion of current PhD projects.

Thematic part:
Science and Politics at War: New Relations in the Post War Era

Scientists have contributed to both political power and warfare—and, in turn, have profited from them. The relationship between science and politics intensified considerably in the Cold War era. As the superpowers turned to science as a vehicle for increasing power and control in the global arena, scientists took on new roles as policy-makers and international relations experts in national administrations.

The relationship between science and politics was nurtured by the Cold War— and at the same time shaped the Cold War itself. Scientific fields profited from increased funding, but state science policies—and scientific internationalism— were also significantly affected. These changes raised new and controversial questions: To what extent should political institutions empower scientists and mandate decision-making? And to what extent should scientists give up standards of autonomous science and ambitions of a peaceful endeavour in favour of political power games? Even as the superpowers aggressively pursued closer interaction between science and politics, they put pressure on the allied states to adjust to the new demands of the Cold War science-politics-military nexus.

This conference will be dedicated to exploring aspects and examples of the science-politics relationship and investigating the role of science in national politics and international relations in the Cold War era. Invited speakers include Ronald E. Doel and Kristine C. Harper, Florida State University, Zuoyue Wang, California State Polytechnic University, and Nikolaj Petersen, Aarhus University.

The conference will be in English. Abstracts for conference contributions should be sent to Dr. Janet Martin-Nielsen (janet@ivs.au.dk) by 7 October 2011.

[via Hugin og Munin]

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